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"When We Get our Glow ON, we CAN Light UP our world!" ~ Bets

Optimal Living Video: Goals, Gifts and Living your 'Optimal Life'

Electra Ariail put together a beautiful short video based on Brian Johnson's Optimal Living 101.
(Thanks Electra and Brian!)

Are your goals focused on 'Having'  i.e. material stuff, and 'Doing',  i.e. things you want to go and see or do?

Brian suggests focusing on 'Being' goals i.e. being kind, patient, generous and 'Creating' goals i.e. creating something of value.

Living an authentic life in line with your values will create the 'byproducts' of your optimal life as you give your greatest gifts in service to the world.
"Optimal Living begins with Baby Steps. Just Begin..."
Enjoy the video clip and start living your Optimal Life now - what are you waiting for? :)
With love,

The Optimist's Creed - Get Your Optimism On :)

Are you a 'glass half-empty' or a 'glass-half full' sort of person?

Do you see the world as a hostile or a friendly place?

There's no doubt that the way that you see the world reflects back at you in your reality.
"The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of hell, and a hell of heaven." - John Milton
And frankly, who really wants to live in hell? :)

Having an optimistic mindset can help make your reality a better place to be now and you'll create a brighter future for yourself.

The Optimist's Creed was written by Christian D. Larson (1874 - 1954) , a New Thought leader, teacher and author.

Start each sentence by reading the words at the top of the creed: "I promise myself..."
and Get Your Optimism On :)

Rhonda Byrne has made it available on The Secret website and you can download the PDF here.

Life really is much better when the glass is half-full and the world is a friendly place :)

With love,                                                 

Yebo - fab South African song to Get Your Glow On :)

In honour of South Africa's Youth Day today and just because it's a fab song to Get Your Glow On :)
Turn it up loud, dance around and Enjoy!
Yebo by Mahlathini and the Mahotella Queens with The Art of Noise

Talk! Connect and Get Your Glow On :)

Texts, tweets, emails and Instant Messaging are quick, easy and convenient ways of staying in touch.
But we’re not cyber-souls. We need physical human connection.

Sending off a quick electronic ‘Thank You’ is polite and acceptable, but taking the time to ring someone and thank them creates a much better exchange of energy.
You and the person you’re thanking will feel good!

Email conversations back and forth are often necessary as well as convenient, but having an actual conversation with someone creates rapport and helps to deepen the connection.

Most of us feel that we just don’t have the time to talk to our colleagues, friends and loved ones very often. We’re always in a hurry with something else to do.

Conversation and dialogue become so much more meaningful when it’s physical – just hearing a friendly voice on the phone can raise your energy levels.

Even when we meet face-to-face, there are some people who still check their messages, text and even take phone calls, while attempting to have a physical conversation with you.
And that creates further ‘disconnect’.

We’re all so busy staying ‘connected’ that we’re disconnecting from an exchange of energy that is real 'connection'.

Tell someone how you feel. Say ‘Thank You’. Phone a friend and share a laugh together. Ask someone how they’re doing.

Connect and Get Your Glow On :)

With love,

Products We Love: Sublime eco-friendly design and interiors

Sam Dell has a degree in Fine Arts and has worked as an art director and designer for commercials, television and film.
After the birth of her daughter she started Sublime, an eco-friendly design and interior company.
"We paint houses, design nurseries and interiors and bespoke furniture. We'll design whatever people want - their imagination is the only limit."
Based in Johannesburg, Sam will travel to consult on interiors, and ships smalls and furniture to any destination.
Contact Sam:  +27112345420 or +27745425321
View the website here


Think Your Bounce Back :)

A friend told me recently that I was “lucky”.

“Not everyone is as resilient as you”, she said.
“Not everyone has the capacity to bounce back”.

Thankfully, that’s simply not true.
Everyone is as ‘lucky’ as I am! :)

Everyone has the capacity to think.
And if you can think, you can bounce :)

It’s a choice. Just think better thoughts.

Think about everything you’re grateful for and all the people who love you.
Think about what you’d love to do on your Perfect Day.
Think about something that makes you laugh, and anything that makes you feel good.
Think of all the wonderful possibilities.

Focus only on positive thoughts and don’t wallow in negativity.

Because, life can be tough and throw all manner of hardships at you.
But that doesn’t mean you have to be miserable. :)

“The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” ~ Carlos Castaneda

With love,

Commit to your Dreams by Taking Action

You want something. You wish…you hope…you dream…
Yes - that’s important. It’s an excellent start.

But it’s not going to manifest your desire.
You have to take action.
"Dreamers of big dreams have to learn to be doers of small deeds in order to position themselves to make their dreams come true." ~ Tom Morris
What’s the point of torturing yourself with a continuous complaint of “I wish I could lose weight” and then eating more of the things you know aren’t good for you?

It’s all comes down to the intensity of your desire. How much do you really want to be slim/fit/wealthy etc?

Are you willing to do what needs to be done?
You have to commit to taking consistent action towards what you want.
"It is the Baby Steps you take, the everyday things you do, that eventually lead to the manifestation of your outcome." ~ David Emerald
Commit to your dreams - Go for it and Get Your Glow On! :)

With love,