It’s always fun to dream and imagine what we want. But we can’t have or be what we want until we
start to show UP for what we want.
And sometimes making a start is the hardest part!
We are all beginners,
every time we start something new! And often it’s a scary feeling.
Things appear to be so uncertain. We don’t know what’s going to happen,
or how things are going to work out. It’s like being the new kid at
school all over again.
was chatting to a friend who was recently appointed CEO of a large
international corporate. He admitted to me that even though he was
excited to get started, the thought of it was rather
terrifying — because he’d never been a CEO before. That made me feel a
lot better! Because it doesn’t matter who we are — setting out on a new
path can be quite daunting.
But what I’ve learnt is that the best way to get past that gut-wrenching fear is to remind myself of what I want and then to take it one baby step at a time!
When we start with just one small step, we can steer ourselves out of that scary place and back into our creative, emPowered place.
many of us are afraid to begin, because we fear spectacular
failure — losing everything and making fools of ourselves. And sometimes
what we want to achieve can seem like such an overwhelming task that we
talk ourselves out of it, before we’ve even tried…
But instead of dreading the thought of failure, it’s a lot more helpful to focus on incremental success. You can’t go wrong, if you take it one small step at a time; checking out what works for you, and what doesn’t — and moving purposefully, persistently and joyfully towards what you want.
It is always the right time to start! You can decide to start making one positive change in just one area of your life. And once you’ve decided to move one step closer to what you want, you’ll be encouraged and inspired to take another step…and another…!
And if you keep going and remember to enjoy yourself along
the way, you’ll find that all of a sudden you are experiencing
everything you’d been dreaming about and you are making your dreams come
repeated ‘start-overs’, what I’ve realised, is that it’s not so much of
a ‘start from the beginning’, as it is simply the next chapter of my
journey. And the sooner I get started, the less I fear!
Where do You want to go? And what do You want to do?
What’s the one step you can take right now to move you closer towards your dream?
Taking just one baby step today, could be your giant leap for joy! But if you don’t start, how will you ever know?!
Please don’t put your most joyful life on hold. Take your finger off the pause button and press PLAY!
Start by taking it one small step at a time and do what you need to do, to move into your groove and Get Your Glow ON!
With Love,