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Be EmPowered and Inspired to Get Your Glow On™.



"When We Get our Glow ON, we CAN Light UP our world!" ~ Bets

Show UP for Your Positive Possibilities!

Dearest Glorious GloWomen,

Are you really open to receiving whatever it is that your heart desires?
Think about it….

It always amazes me to hear people talking about what they really want in Life – and then giving a big sigh….and talking themselves out of it completely! ☹️

Because if you really believe it’s too difficult, too expensive, out of your reach etc – you’re not going to show UP for YourSelf to receive it.

But somebody else will! Right now there are millions of people enjoying whatever it is that you want. It is absolutely possible.There are people showing up for what they want to enJOY! 😊

So if you truly want to enJOY your aspirations – then please STOP defending your limitations! Open UP to believing in the POSITIVE possibilities for Your Wonderful Life (why would you even consider anything else?!)

Because you can’t get what you want until you show UP for what you want. So what are you showing UP for today?

I wish you a Wonderful Week filled with positive possibilities! Set your intention to believe in them, show Up for them, enJOY them and Get Your Glow ON! 💞

With Love,

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Choose to leave Victimville and Get Your Glow ON!

Dearest Glorious GloWomen,

One of the most emPowering things you can do for YourSelf is to realise that only You are responsible for Your Wonderful Life!
And the quickest way out of Victimville, is to lose the blame and to take responsibility to step into your power to choose.

You can choose to get your woe on…..OR You can choose to get your Glow on!
You always have the choice to respond, rather than to re-act to your circumstances. 
So here’s to choosing your emPowered response.

Even if you’ve experienced the most adverse circumstances – your circumstances don’t have to define who you are. Being victimised does not make you ‘a victim’ - unless you choose to let it. So why would you let it? 😊

So dearest GloWomen, here’s a helpful GlowTip if you’re feeling powerless and that Life has got you down…
The quickest way out of Victimville is to choose to be a CREATOR of Your Most JOYful Life and not a victim of circumstances! 

Choose thoughts, word and actions that UPlift and emPower Wonderful You! 💞

Because choosing Love, Laughter and JOY and all the Good Stuff, is a lot more fun than feeling stuck in Victimville! 

And the easiest way to steer YourSelf towards Rocking your most Wonderful Life is to choose to enJOY the ride! 

With Love and JOY, 

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Appreciate Wonderful You and Get Your Glow ON!

If you’re feeling a bit pissy and miffed and under-appreciated – wishing that you could enjoy the best that life has to offer – then here’s a little GlowTip and some Very Good News! 😊Maybe it’s time to appreciate Wonderful YOU!

Firstly - please get rid of this notion - It’s not vain or conceited or arrogant to appreciate YourSelf. 

Vain, conceited, arrogant people are actually coming from a place of fear. Secretly, they don’t really believe that they’re good enough so they’re trying to convince themselves, most of all – instead of appreciating themselves, and others for who they really are.

When we love and appreciate ourselves and all that we are and all that we have to give and share, we want to give the best to ourselves, to make the best of ourselves and to share the best of ourselves – and there’s nothing vain, conceited or arrogant about that. It’s a Good Thing!

Because when we do love and appreciate ourselves – oh happy day…Life reflects that right back to us….we start to receive appreciation and all the Good Stuff that flows to us in return!

So here’s to Rocking our Attitude of Gratitude for who we are and all the gifts and talents we were born to share! We are all born with gifts and talents to UPlift ourselves and those around us - no-one gets left out!

Instead of taking it all for granted, let’s get out and share who we are and what we have with the world.

Because the more we shine our Light, the brighter our world becomes. So when we Get our Glow ON – we CAN Light UP our world! 💞

Here’s to making Your Wonderful Life, a reflection of Wonderful You!

With Love and Appreciation,