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"When We Get our Glow ON, we CAN Light UP our world!" ~ Bets

The Real Business of Business

I know it may seem like we're living in a world of unparalleled greed and corruption - it can certainly look that way a lot of the time. And it is the common paradigm that enslaves most people, passed down in fear of there not being enough - a lie that supports control. 

So the individuals, businesses and brands who distinguish themselves through extending great service and respect and consideration for their staff, customers and the resource base they depend on, starting with our beautiful planet - cannot fail to prosper. 

Because ultimately the success of a business depends on the success of its relationships. It's really how you treat people that counts. 
"Our real business here is to care for and make life a little easier for one another." 

 I wrote this piece a while ago, now published in the African Independent on The Real Business of Business.

It doesn’t matter what type of business you’re in. Whether you’re offering a product or a service, you’re still in business to serve others – to uplift, assist and support other people and ultimately, to make their lives better.
But often it seems that we are so busy focusing on the business of business – the importance of what the business does, instead of the people it serves. ....continued here  
I'd love to hear your feedback. Comments welcome below!

With Love and Encouragement,