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"When We Get our Glow ON, we CAN Light UP our world!" ~ Bets

It's Not OK To Have Fun - It's Essential! :)

When last did you have FUN? I mean the kind of spontaneous fun that leaves you elated, inspired and feeling on top of the world? :)

Life can be tough - the economy, politics, pressure at work, family issues, money-problems – there are plenty of external factors that can make you feel thoroughly hopeless and miserable if you allow it.

But no matter what the circumstances, you can choose to actively embrace Life with joy and enthusiasm, which is always rewarding and a lot more fun!

You’re here; you’re alive, so why not enJOY it?
“You joy your way to joy. You laugh your way to success. It is through your joy that good things come.” ~ Abraham-Hicks
If you feel like you're trudging through life, uninspired and lacking energy and enthusiasm, then it’s time to tune into your Joy and have some FUN!

Ancient Greek philosophers, modern day wellness experts and medical practitioners all agree - having fun is GOOD FOR YOU!

Lose the ‘heavies' and Lighten Up – you don’t need to take it all so seriously.
Look at the funny side and learn to laugh at life.
"A person without a sense of humour is like a wagon without springs; jolted by every pebble in the road." ~ Henry Ward Beecher
You’ll find your own life a source of endless amusement when you learn to laugh at yourself. :)
“The person who knows how to laugh at himself will never cease to be amused.”~ Shirley MacLaine
Laughter really is the best medicine!
It diffuses tension, reduces stress hormones, lowers blood pressure, increases pain tolerance, boosts your immune system, and even gives your abs, heart and shoulder muscles a good workout.
Laughter is highly contagious so you’ll be benefiting those around you too as you Spread the Glow :)

When you’re playing, laughing, and having fun, you’re relaxing. You’ll find that you connect more easily to your creative source than when you’re stressed, agitated and distracted.
Creativity and inspiration flow when your mind is relaxed.
"A happy brain is a balanced brain. And a laughing brain is a creative brain." ~ Anne Wilson Schaef
Having fun boosts your enthusiasm and ups your energy levels. When you’re tuned into your Joy, and doing what you love, you’ll be far more likely to succeed at whatever you’re doing, than if you’re chugging along at half-steam feeling uninspired and demotivated.
"People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing." ~ Dale Carnegie
We all raced around playing, having fun and squealing with laughter as children, but many of us have lost touch with that side of ourselves. We deem it to be childish and inappropriate adult behaviour.
In actual fact, it’s through play that we tap into our genius :) (and yes, we ALL have it – Good News!).
“Studies show that we must recapture, or prevent the loss of such child-like traits as the ability to learn, to love, to laugh about small things, to leap, to wonder, and to explore. It’s time to rescue ourselves from our grown-up ways before it’s too late. As Rene Dubos put it, ‘Genius is childhood recaptured’.” ~ Robert K.Cooper
Do you remember what activities you loved as a child? Try doing them again now and you’ll feel that same sense of joy and enthusiasm.
“The activities we loved to do as children are things that can still set our hearts free. Creating time to engage in some form of playful activity could increase your feelings of well-being and infuse your life with greater energy.” ~ DailyOM
You don’t need to spend money or go on holiday to have fun. Have fun celebrating the everyday things! :)
“I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things…. I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.”~ Leo F. Buscaglia
Many of us have been brought up to believe that “life’s not about having fun”.
I chose to ignore that advice :) as behaving in a buttoned-up Victorian manner just didn’t do it for me.
I love to laugh and have fun with life! I like to inject a bit of fun into everything I do. I laugh a lot and choose to enJOY my life :)
“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” ~ e. e. cummings
Of course it’s not all going to be Champagne and Roses – though there’s no reason not to enjoy either, or both of these along the way :)
There’ll always be challenging people and circumstances to deal with and tedious tasks to perform.
Mostly, these challenges and chores are somehow linked to our blessings, or are themselves blessings in disguise. We can’t avoid them, but we can choose to keep our sense of humour about them and inject a little fun into proceedings.
"Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans: it’s lovely to be silly at the right moment." ~ Horace
You may feel daunted by learning new skills that are not always easy at first.
Don’t berate yourself for what you can’t do – have fun mastering it as you go along. 
You’ll feel fantastic when you’ve done it – it's huge fun just thinking about your achievement.
You’ve accomplished something new! :)

It’s much more fun when you approach the challenging tasks playfully.
I decided to play a game with myself to stop smoking. As a long-time smoker (up to 60 a day – yeuch!), I’d had enough of being controlled by a toxic habit and woke up one morning, about six years ago, determined to put an end to it. I put my cigs in the cupboard just to see how long I could leave them there.

The game had begun!
It wasn’t at all easy, but there was no way I was going to let myself open that cupboard. 
I had fun cheering myself on. “You can do it Bets, one more hour… Great Stuff! Go Bets!
The fun was in counting the hours, then days that I had stuck it out for. I was determined to do it. There was no going back. I felt fantastic for sticking to my resolve.

I approach all difficult tasks the same way -  learning to put this blog together, learning to run, setting up my new Smartphone -  playfully determined to achieve them, laughing at myself when I make mistakes and celebrating my accomplishments as I go :)
"Life must be lived as play" ~ Plato
Life is not supposed to be miserable!  You can change your approach and choose to create your own fun, wherever you are and whatever situation you're in.
“Don’t complain that you ‘never have any fun’. Change your perspective, set your dial to FUN and start creating it! We were each born to be the deliberate creators of our own reality and to make that reality one of fun, laughter, joy and beauty." ~ Barbara Wren
You can start having more fun with your imagination. Imagine yourself living your Most Joyful Life. Doesn’t it feel good?

If you want to empower yourself with enthusiasm, energy and inspiration, then having fun is essential! :)

Lighten up, play, be silly, be spontaneous, smile inside, smile at the world, laugh at yourself, laugh with others, have fun and Spread the Glow :)
“We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw
With love,

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People Directory: TalentFusion - fusing Top Clients with Top Candidates

Lianne du Toit of TalentFusion specialises in fusing Top Clients with Top Candidates in the areas of Marketing and Advertising.

She will assist you with career guidance, salary advice and industry knowledge, as well as finding the right candidates or career position that is right for you.

If you’re job-seeking, or looking for new recruits, please get in touch with Lianne.

Email: lianne@talentfusion.co.za
Tel: 021 422 4361
Cell: 082 498 0981

Get Into the Habit of Being Your Most Wonderful You :)

The way we think about ourselves, the choices we make and the actions we take are all a combination of our habits.

Some of our habits serve us well, and some most definitely do not.

When you are ready and willing to live your Most Joyful Life, you’ll want to start developing new habits that are consistent with your Most Wonderful You :) and dump the self-defeating habits that are holding you back.
“You need to drop bad habits and develop new ones that are in line with the life you want to live. People do not suddenly appear in the life they want to live - habits determine their outcome!” ~ Jack Canfield.
Developing constructive new habits helps us to build our confidence and self-esteem. We feel better about ourselves as we create our positive self-image.
“Our self-image and our habits tend to go together. Change one and you will automatically change the other. The word “habit” originally meant a garment or clothing. Our habits are literally garments worn by our personalities. They are not accidental, or happenstance. We have them because they fit us. They are consistent with our self-image and our entire personality pattern. When we consciously and deliberately develop new and better habits, our self-image tends to outgrow the old habits and grow into the new pattern.” ~ Maxwell Maltz
If you’d like to see some positive changes happening in your life, then you’ll need some new productive habits to help you get there.

First up and most importantly: Change your thinking! :)
"Thinking is a habit, and like any other habit, it can be changed; it just takes effort and repetition." ~ John Eliot
Lose the negativity! Stop judging, criticizing and talking yourself down.
Develop the new habit of thinking positively about yourself and focus on the Good Stuff. Create your new self-image of your Most Wonderful You.
“Whatever you habitually think yourself to be, that you are. You must form, now, a greater and better habit; you must form a conception of yourself as a being of limitless power, and habitually think that you are that being. It is the habitual, not the periodical thought that decides your destiny.” ~ Wallace D. Wattles
Think only of what you want – what are your most desirable outcomes?
How do you want to live your life?
"Your mind will be like its habitual thoughts; for the soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts. Soak it then in such trains of thoughts as, for example: Where life is possible at all, a right life is possible." ~ Marcus Aurelius.
How do you consciously develop a new habit?
Commit wholeheartedly to what you want :)

When you decide that it’s non-negotiable you won’t go back to your old self-defeating habits.
“Once you make a 100% commitment to something, there are no exceptions. It’s a done deal. Non-negotiable. Case closed! Over and out.” ~ Jack Canfield
Make a conscious commitment to practising your new thinking and behaviour that is consistent with your Most Wonderful You.
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation. ”~ W.H. Murray
Commit to constructive new habits that make you feel good about yourself.
"Good habits are as addictive as bad habits, and a lot more rewarding." ~ Harvey Mackay
When you develop new habits that support and empower you, you’ll start actively creating positive change in your life.
“Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Commit to being your Most Wonderful You :) Lose the bad habits that are holding you back and choose to develop new habits that empower you to live your Most Joyful Life and Get Your Glow On :)

With love,


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Winners :) Bach RESCUE™ Peaceful Night Gift Sets

CONGRATS to our WINNERS of the Bach RESCUE™ Peaceful Night Gift Sets:
  • Nondumiso Pikashe
  • Debbie Taylor
  • Carrie Roberts
  • Jenny Godfrey
  • Anna di Renzo
Your  Bach RESCUE™ Peaceful Night Gift Sets are on their way to you! :)  

Rock Your Self-Discipline and Wave your Magic Wand :)

Much as we’d all love it to happen, no-one’s going to wave a magic wand over our lives and make our dreams come true.
The Good News is :) you can wave the wand yourself. You've had it all along.
But you do have to make the effort to pick it up and start waving!
“If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.”
Les Brown.
You can’t hand over the responsibility of your health, wealth or happiness to somebody else.
People can advise you and guide you, but ultimately it’s up to you.
“You can’t hire someone else to do your push-ups for you.” ~ Jim Rohn
You can read all the self-development books and listen to motivational speakers and tell me that you “need to get motivated”, but really, only you can motivate yourself to get going.
"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer
It’s amazing how many excuses we make to ourselves, for not going after what we want.
It’s seems easier to talk ourselves out of doing something, than to put in the effort to actually do it.

You know all the stories :) You’d work out if you had a personal trainer/training buddy. But really, there’s no need :)
You can start by putting one foot in front of the other and taking yourself for a brisk walk.
You can’t save because life is so expensive. Yes, the cost of living is expensive, but you can forego a few unnecessary expenses to put a little money away each month for your dream home/holiday/retirement etc.

You just need to exercise your self-discipline.
“Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do. Simply, self-discipline enables you to think first and act afterward.” 
Napoleon Hill
The only way to create what you want, is to discipline your mind to focus only on your desired outcomes, and to take consistent action towards those goals.
“Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most.”
T. Harv Eker
It’s ok to have a sense of entitlement – of course you deserve to be/have whatever it is that you want.
But it’s not going to land in your lap - you do have to show up consistently to receive it :)
"Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
When you develop a sense of intent for what you want, you’ll start taking consistent action to get there.

Are you ready and willing to show up consistently and Live your Most Joyful Life? :)

With love,

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